I was a teenager at a rock concert, dancing to my favorite song. Then it happened. After a massive solo, the drummer threw his stick into the crowd! The drum stick flew over my head, two rows behind me. It bounced off the hands of the fans, and propelled forward to the ground. I dove into the scrum and went …
Author: Josh
He was about to attempt suicide, but I ignored him
He was sitting on top of the Hennepin Ave Bridge railing, straddling it. His backpack was resting on the ground below. It was January 5th, 2016 and just 22 degrees outside. A frigid Mississippi River below. I was walking to NE Minneapolis to meet co-workers for lunch. Living nearby, I have crossed this bridge hundreds of times. But I have …
Time Flies When You Waste it
The old saying, “Time flies when you are having fun!” is true. However, time goes at the speed of light when you waste it. There are many professional and personal examples of time-wasting: Ineffective meetings, constantly checking email/Facebook/Twitter/websites, having arguments and making complaints to get your point across, watching bad television, and more. Any of these activities can make a …
Video: How bad personal relationships impact your persuasiveness
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